The Esoteric Design Read online

Page 6

  “Arbitrator…” Aria whispered. Her voice was loud in the eerie silence of her office. She shivered, looking over her shoulder in paranoia. Flipping the pages, she searched for the ancient race.

  “Sorcēarian,” she murmured; the word was familiar. ‘There.’ Aria’s finger ran over the title.

  ‘Sorcēarians—or God’s right-hand men—were an exceptionally intelligent race. Being guides to the human race, Sorcēarians were tasked with preaching the word of God and were delegators of war. Being giant in nature and having superhuman powers, Sorcēarians were thought by some to be aliens who used biblical references to relate to humanity. Others took a more fantastical approach. They believed these beings were sorcerers who practiced magic day and night and kept to themselves on the Island of Ives (see Ives, pg. 245). As guardians, they protected the humans through their wars until a great battle broke out among the race. It is unclear as to how the war started or how it ended, but it is known that shortly afterward the Sorcēarians were extinct. Whether they left the planet of their own freewill or died in battle is a mystery.

  All that remains of the ancient race is known only through the mythology and what is left of the ruins of their civilization on Ives. Despite a worldwide ban of any human traveling to Ives enforced by the world’s governments, the continent is peculiarly fortified by violent ocean waters, constant typhoons, and beastly creatures which prevent safe passage.’

  “Beastly creatures….” Aria chewed on her lip. “What if they came from Ives?” More pages flipped under her hand as she searched. “Ives,” she let out a breath.

  ‘Ives, the land of the blessed, home to the Sorcēarians—a magical race thought to be sorcerers—is said to be located on the southern side of the Indian Ocean. Forbidden for passage, no one is allowed into the small country. Surrounded by ferocious weather, it is believed that the final wish of the sorcerers was to be at peace, alone, and segregated from the rest of the wretched world. The last known being seen on the great island, approximately ten thousand years ago, is known to be half-man, half-beast with magical powers much like the Sorcēarians. It soars the skies with enormous wings and is claimed to be Ives very own protector.

  Inhabited by a variety of wildlife, Ives was known to be a beautiful country. It was dedicated as a sacred place, and only those who were divine could live there. But as humanity returned to sin, so did the Sorcēarians. Perhaps the half-man, half-beast is a monstrosity that depleted the Sorcēarian population. Perhaps it is nothing more than a myth itself, told to keep people away from the island.’

  “Hmm.” Aria frowned. It wasn’t as helpful as she had hoped, but possibly she had discovered a potential location for these monsters that were suddenly on the loose.

  ‘Sorcēarian,’ she thought long and hard, closing her eyes. It reminded her of a story her father had told her when she was a child. Sorcerers, he had said, had once lived on Earth, and someday, if she were brave enough, she would find one.

  Aria’s father had been a respected professor at a university. He had taught cultural and mythological belief. Above all other topics, the Sorcēarians were his favorite. Many nights as a child, Aria had dreamt of going to a land full of sorcerers and castles. She always had a taste for adventure and read heaps of fictional books as a little girl, filling her head with ridiculous ideas and romantic fantasies.

  “One day I’m going to meet a sorcerer,” she scoffed, remembering her childhood words. “How ‘bout a monster?” Aria looked at the bottom of the page and saw the name ‘Imp’ written in bold letters. “Or a demon?” She shuddered at an old image of a woman sleeping on a bed with a tiny, dark creature sitting on her breast. The woman’s face was distorted as if having a nightmare. Aria put her glass to her lips, and she finished the rest of her now watered-down drink. “Great, just what I needed to see before heading off to bed.”

  Green eyes dropped to the sparkling cross on her tabletop. Superstitious or not, it wouldn’t hurt to carry that thing around. She picked it up and slipped out of the room, waving off the light switch. She crossed the hall to the bathroom and grimaced at her reflection in the mirror as she passed on through to her bedroom, the bedside lamp flickering on as it detected her presence. Exhausted, she dropped to the mattress, tugging off her knee-high military boots, fighting with the double laces before tugging at her tight, black long-sleeved open jersey. After kicking off her camo pants, she removed the white halter and peeled off her slick, black and white bodysuit. It was such a chore to get undressed at the end of the night, but as Troy often said, Aria was always the most fashionable woman out on the field. Aria couldn’t help that her Optical Camo suit looked the way it did. Sure, there were others, but why choose the ugly designs when you could wear something a bit more eye-pleasing? She admitted it was unnecessary, but she was a woman. And as a woman, she had her own vices like any other, and hers was a craving for style, though it had to be tasteful and logical.

  Aria reached for a t-shirt on the bed and quickly tugged it over her head, her hair puffing from static. A low yawn erupted from her lips, and she flipped onto her stomach, her face burying into the pillow. She sighed, feeling the cold blankets with her bare legs and feet before clumsily reaching over the nightstand to wave off the lamp, eyeballing the crucifix on the table. Darkness swallowed the bedroom. Aria took a deep breath and let it out slowly, reminding herself to relax.

  “ARIA!” A shout called out from the other side of the wall.

  “Hrm?!” She raised her head, listening as she gripped the pillow.

  Troy’s bedroom to his apartment happened to be bumped right next to hers. Needless to say, some nights she heard everything. Some muffled screams sounded again, this time from a woman. Aria was on her feet in an instant. Before she could even process what was going on, she was out the door, dashing down the hall. As she approached Troy’s apartment, the door slid open. The ‘booty call’ came rushing out, a mortified look on her face.

  “That was fast….” Aria eyeballed the young woman.

  “Ha! Whatever. It never even started! That asshole immediately fell asleep! I was gathering my things to leave when he suddenly woke up and started screaming and throwing shit at me!” Her high-pitched voice was louder than necessary. Troy’s shouts and screams sounded from inside the apartment. “And he calls for you like you’re his mother!”

  “Whatever, whore,” Aria retorted and went inside Troy’s apartment.

  “Damn it! Where is it?!” Troy came stomping from his bedroom, assault rifle in hand, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs.

  “What in the hell is going on?!” Aria shouted.

  “Ah!” Troy was about to raise his firearm when he noticed Aria in his living room. “What are you doing? How’d you get in here? Nevermind that!” He rushed to her side and ducked behind a chair, tugging her down with him. “Did you see it?” he asked.

  Aria gave him an annoyed look. “See what?” she asked with impatience.

  “It was in the bedroom! One of those…things!” He shivered.

  Aria stifled a laugh. “You mean one of those whores?”

  “What are you talking about?!” Troy gripped her and shook her. “Why are you laughing?! I woke up, and one of those aliens was in my room!”

  “Probably trying to anally probe you.” Aria snorted.

  “I cannot believe you are laughing!” He looked around the corner of the chair, aiming his weapon. “It was ugly, too! I started throwing stuff at it until I could get to my gun. It was screaming something awful! Gah! That sound will give me nightmares for a week.”

  By this time, Aria was cackling with laughter.

  “You really do wish I was dead. You never laugh like this!” He stared at her, wide-eyed; his muscles twitched with every shout. “I think it’s gone…I think I scared it away. Damn it.”

  “What about your girlfriend that was in here earlier?” Aria halted her laughs to a few quiet snorts and breaths.

  “Girlfriend?” He raised a brow and thought a minute.
“Oh, man!” He twisted, grabbing her shoulders again. “It took her!”

  “God, Troy!” Aria slapped his hands away. “That alien in your room was that girl!”

  Troy gasped loudly. “What?”

  “I met her as she was running out into the hall. She was pissed, alright. She said that you passed out as soon as you got into the apartment, and when she was getting ready to leave, you woke up and saw her and started screaming and throwing stuff.”

  “No way!” Troy’s face turned a bright shade of red.

  “I don’t think I ever heard you scream so loud, Troy,” Aria said with a laugh. “You even shouted my name. I came running down here to see if you were alright! I thought maybe one of those things were in there attacking you until I saw her run out!”

  “You’re lying!” He lowered his weapon onto the cream-colored carpet.

  “I am not!” she protested.

  “Is everything alright?” a male voice came from behind them. Both jumped at the intruding sound. A tall, bulky security official was standing in the doorway. “Had a noise complaint.”

  “Oh…sorry.” Aria glanced at Troy. “Just doing some training,” she added.

  He looked both of them up and down and shrugged. “Is that what they’re callin’ it today?”

  “Uh…actually, she’s the loud one. She just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.” Troy stood up, tugging Aria with him.

  “Right. Well, I find that sometimes a pillow helps. Maybe try that next time. Stifle the sound.” The officer chuckled to himself as he turned and left the apartment, sliding the door shut behind him.

  “Troy!” Aria shoved him.

  “Hey! What was I supposed to say?!” The man gave her a sideways grin.

  “How about, ‘I’m sorry. I’m a damned pansy, and I thought the whore I rented for the night was really an alien and screamed shitless for my comrade next door like a little boy’?” She mocked him, holding her small fists against her chest.

  “Aria….” Troy stared at her, unfazed by her sad impression of him. “Are you in your underwear?”

  Aria gasped, looking down at herself. Sure, she had a t-shirt on, but it barely covered her black panties. “Oh, you are a pervert!” She tugged a blanket from his couch and hastily wrapped it around herself. “You’re in your briefs, and it leaves nothing to the imagination.” Her eyebrow rose.

  “You like what you see. Admit it.” He smirked at her, placing his hands on his hips.

  “Okay, I’m leaving now.” She trotted to the door.

  “Aw, come on!” he laughed. “You’re such a tight ass. You know I’m joking.”

  Aria didn’t know which was worse–the fact that he just hit on her or that he was only joking about it.

  “You know nothing of my ass and will never know anything about it,” she quickly spat out before opening the door, watching it slide into the wall. She took a step back and looked at him. “Oh, but maybe I should stay…in case the boogeyman comes?” Her body slipped out into the hall.

  “Eh, just get out of here!” He waved at her. “And I want that blanket back!”

  He watched as Aria grabbed the sides of the blanket and ran it from side to side across her rear-end.

  “Ah, wash it first!” his words came out fast as the door slid shut behind her.

  Troy stood in his living room, looking around stupidly. Suddenly, it was very quiet and very uncomfortable.

  “Pansy,” he mumbled to himself as he headed for the lonely bedroom.

  "Aria’s Portrait"

  Chapter 4

  Aria rolled over in her bed, stretching as a high-pitched squeak emitted past her lips. The blankets tangled around her legs. Black hair tousled about her slender face like a fluffy mane. One green eye popped open slowly, followed by another. She stared at the alarm clock, wondering if she should get up now or fall back asleep and lock herself into another three hours of slumber. That would surely put her in a sour mood for the rest of the day. The young woman groaned, closing her eyes again and yawning. If her old cat, Xena, were here, she would surely be awoken by an angry meow or two, telling her it was long past breakfast and that she had better plan on making some lunch soon. Aria whimpered, wishing the thought would shove through her skull and never again remind her of her long-lost beloved pet.

  Beep. Her DNAIS chimed, announcing a new message. Aria fumbled with the node behind her ear, pressing softly against the small chip. A voice called out gently inside her mind.

  “Hey gorgeous, how ‘bout hittin’ up Chester’s tonight since our date got canceled last night?” It was Gavin. “How ‘bout 1800?”

  Aria breathed a small laugh. Gavin considered any meeting with her a date. She rolled her eyes as she sat up in bed, kicking her feet to remove the constricting blankets and growled a grumpy groan. She wouldn’t reply to Gavin’s message, she rarely ever did, but she knew he’d be there either way. If she didn’t show, he’d be able to easily find different and probably more enjoyable company.

  The dark-haired woman tugged on a pair of plain black shorts and shuffled into her slippers. Sluggish, she made her way limply into the kitchen, readying a cup of coffee from a button on her refrigerator. She held her mug, yawning loudly as the hot, rich, chocolaty brew poured into a ceramic cup. Her attention was brought to the video screen inside her giant kitchen window, showing her a view of the bustling city cast by vibrant sunlight and the current forecast—bright and sunny with a cold front moving in later in the evening followed by some gusty winds. The screen fizzled as she sipped from her drink. Her bright eyes lifted as a message appeared. Gavin, maybe?

  ‘Not so lucky.’ She sighed.

  ‘Attn: Aria

  President Clarke requests a visitation with you at 12:00.

  -Message Bureau. Please do not reply to this message.’

  Aria narrowed her gaze. That gave her about an hour to be dressed and ready to present herself in front of the President. She’d have to snatch up a sandwich from the cafeteria on her way to his office since grocery shopping had not occurred in over a month.

  “Damn,” she hissed under her breath, taking another gulp from her beverage before hurrying down the hall toward the bathroom.

  The shower was quick since the hot water had been conveniently turned off again for maintenance reasons. The woman grumbled as she threw on her clothes, shivering in the air-conditioned apartment, wishing she had remembered the memo that was posted on her door two days before. It was nothing a quick cup of hot coffee wouldn’t fix, but then she saw she was finally out of the brew and received a mug full of watered-down sludge. Aria debated it a moment, watching the muddy swirl among dirty water and quickly tossed it into the sink, sighing. She searched for five minutes for a clean bra, fought with her knotted-up boot laces, and encountered multiple stops in the elevator on the way down to the cafeteria thanks to the lunch rush. Only fifteen more minutes. The impatient woman folded her arms and glared as the elevator doors opened to reveal a bustling dining hall.

  ‘For the love of God,’ she inwardly cursed and rushed to the deli, her black coat flowing behind her. Aria tried her best to ignore the glares, received for who knows what reason, and the few weird stares that left her feeling uncomfortable. She hated going to heavily populated areas. People always stared, and it was one of her biggest pet peeves.

  “May I help you?” a baggy-eyed clerk asked the woman as she gazed over the sandwiches.

  “Do you have any more turkey?” Aria asked.

  “Just sold out.” The lady shook her head. “We have tuna salad.”

  Aria’s shoulders slumped. She was sure her nose wrinkled upon hearing the news. Then, she noticed the lady’s eyes dart to the side as she spoke. Aria turned her head and saw the customer who had just taken the last sandwich that she so desperately needed. Her eyes glinted and she abruptly strolled toward the man and snatched the sandwich from his hands as it was being raised to his mouth.

  “H-hey!” he stammered as Aria took a big bite and smiled. “A

  “Troy, you like tuna salad, I don’t,” she stated. Her eyes crinkled as her colleague stared at her in disbelief.

  “You…whore,” he accused. Aria didn’t leave him any time to protest as she turned and walked away.

  “I’ll buy you lunch tomorrow; gotta run!” she shouted without as much as a glance toward the man.

  Troy hastily looked at the DNAIS on his wrist and let out a loud, exasperated sigh. That was the last of his credits until payday.

  Aria fought to get onto the elevator. She would have taken the stairs but figured going up over two hundred flights didn’t seem feasible. And since she had just showered and was meeting with the President, it was just not in the cards to get sweaty.

  “Excuse me! Important meeting!” she shouted, squeezing through. A hand grabbed hers, and Aria was quickly tugged inside with the door slamming shut behind her. “Oh, thank you,” she sighed.

  “Looked like you had somewhere important to go,” a man with striking blue eyes, optic enhancers no doubt, and long raven-black hair, most likely dyed, spoke to her. Aria nodded with a shy smile on her face. “Which floor?”

  “Uh…top.” She pointed upwards.

  “Oh? Meeting with the President? I’d say that’s very important,” he chuckled as he entered the buttons for the 333rd floor.

  “Very.” Aria quickly bobbed her head. She cleared her throat as she felt all the eyes of the ten other people in the elevator stare at her. The man could sense she was uncomfortable and smiled at her.

  “Not very often you run into one of the higher-ups,” he said, breaking the silence.

  “We tend to stay away from highly populated areas,” she stated, glancing at the other passengers. “People tend to give us weird looks or stare.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’re receiving stares for reasons other than your status symbol.” He gave her a sideways smirk and a wink. Aria could feel her cheeks burning. She was not an experienced flirt outside of Gavin’s constant teasing, but this guy obviously was and knew how to push her buttons. The elevator bell chimed, sounding much louder than usual, and the doors flew open. “Well, this is my floor. Maybe I’ll see you around?” he asked as he stepped off the elevator to the training facility, all the others followed after him.