The Esoteric Design: Disbanding Hope Read online

Page 2

  ‘Thank God,’ she thought.

  “Where are you?” she asked. Finally gaining enough strength to stand, she moved into the dispersing cloud, her helmet’s viewer flickering to find Troy’s heat signature.

  “Right beside you,” he said.

  Aria gave a slight jump and turned, smacking him in the chest. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

  “You’re the one who sneaked up on me! And you passed right by me!” he protested, running his hand over his chest.

  Aria quickly strode away from the cave’s blocked entrance. Clicking on her DNAIS, she picked up her location and flagged it for Aren so he could catch their coordinates.

  “Aren, we need a ride,” she called through her mental chip.

  “Is everyone alright?! I’ve been picking up some bizarre seismic activity in your area. What the hell was that flash? It shot out of the cave and all the way across the island!” Aren replied.

  “That would be an Amasser Particle Beam.” Aria stumbled over a rock.

  “Should I even bother asking how?” Aren asked.

  “We’ll explain later….” The woman froze as she heard a familiar buzz. Turning slowly, she glanced back at the cave. A deafening boom sounded, and a new cloud of dust blew through the cracks of the barricaded entry.

  “Brutes, Troy.” Aria tapped on his shoulder.

  “Well,” Troy mumbled, watching another puff of powder erupt from the cracks, “that’s dandy.”

  Without another moment’s thought, the two began running once again toward the valley they had originally come.

  “Problem with the coordinates you sent me!” Aren called out. “Electrical storm seems to be heading this way! I can’t get a read on your exact location!”

  “Just get your ass over here! We need an evac immediately!” Aria mentally called out as an explosion of noise came from behind her as the Brutes finally crashed through the wall of the cave.

  With heavy footsteps, the two soldiers moved at a pace that was less than satisfactory. Wave after wave of destruction fled past them as the Brutes ran in pursuit, their arms swinging crazily to send their bursting attacks. Aria and Troy zigzagged in their run, trying to avoid each blast the best they could. The pounding of the monsters’ footsteps grew louder as they neared the humans.

  “We’re going to die!” Troy gasped for air as he floppily hopped over a boulder.

  “Just keep running!” Aria grunted.

  A tumultuous jolt shook the earth. Aria and Troy both stumbled, crashing to their hands and knees. The woman looked over her shoulder. Even the Brutes had stopped their chase, staring at the ground. Another quake shook and cracked the land, splintering from the cave toward the two militants. They both rolled to the side, the fracture stretching in a broad dark line past them toward the horizon. A low wail sounded, echoing with a metallic tone that bounced off every rock and pebble and valley. It was a menacing sound, one that screamed death was approaching.

  “What the hell was that?!” Troy shouted, quickly climbing to his feet. He helped Aria to hers.

  The Brutes spun, moving in all directions as the ground burst open beneath their feet, an explosion of rock and Brute bodies spiraling outwards. One massive, fleshy hand rose from the hole in the ground, its fingertips digging into the rock surface like it was mud. The low moan sounded again, and another hand shot out.

  “We should be running,” a trembling whisper slipped past Aria’s lips.

  The two stumbled backward, their heels skidding against the loose dirt as the cracked ground directly behind them broke away and sank far into the earth. Aria and Troy grabbed onto one another, dropping forward so not to fall into the bottomless fissure behind them.

  “Can today get any worse?!” Aria growled, her hands digging into the soil.

  Troy gaped at the monstrous being that pulled itself out of the ground near the cave. Its head was large; two massive black eyes sat at the top of its skull between two thick nostrils. Its toothy grin wasn’t a happy one but was menacing and angry as it growled. Two bulky, though squat, legs pushed out of the hole. It was like a Spewer, only bigger, much bigger, and there were no magma sacs on its back.

  A soft hiss came from across one of the gaping cracks on the right. Aria quickly turned her attention to the source of the noise, expecting to find more fiends on the opposite side. Her eyes widened as she saw a slightly familiar sight instead.

  “Hector!” She quickly scrambled to her feet.

  The lizard scuttled from the left to the right, hissing as he shook his neck flaps.

  “That looks like Dovian’s lizard,” Troy murmured. He tore his eyes away from the reptile to look back at the giant that was trudging slowly toward them. Its dark eyes were pointed in their direction; its head cocked to the side as it snarled. Each stride the monster took, he was meters closer.

  A little bark erupted from Hector as he scampered back and forth, darting to the side of the cave system where there was a high wall of boulders. Aria and Troy both looked at the gaping hole behind them, then to the crack on the right. One simple jump, and they’d be on the other side with the lizard. However, they would also be nearing the cave system again. Their options were limited. If they stayed, it was either death by freefall or death by a giant monster. Aria was willing to take her chances on following the lizard.

  “Come on!” she shouted, running toward the smaller crack to the right. She leaped over, crashing onto the other side as her ankle gave out. Giving a short yelp of pain, she brushed it off and pushed to her feet.

  As Troy landed beside her, they followed after the trotting lizard. In a few seconds, they were by Hector’s side, walking briskly to keep up.

  “Come on; where are you taking us?” Aria asked.

  Troy glanced at the woman skeptically. She was talking to a lizard. As far as they knew, this lizard was only out for an afternoon jog, and they were bothering it.

  Hector rounded the corner and stopped, his tiny head looking up high. Aria and Troy rounded as well and came to an abrupt halt as a loud roar greeted them. The source of the sound came from a massive, beastly reptile. It was a dinosaur of sorts. And it didn’t look at all pleased with its golden eyes glaring hungrily upon Aria and Troy. The two soldiers twirled about-face and ran back around the corner, halting again as they noticed the colossal enemy was now near the crevice they had been only moments before.

  “Shit! Where in the hell is Aren?!” Troy cursed.

  Another small bark came from Hector. Aria looked over her shoulder and then up at the giant lizard that awaited them around the corner. It remained still, wasn’t trying to attack, but continued to stare at them with fiery eyes. The woman swallowed thickly, noticing the creature’s neck flaps and the tattoos lining the side of his body. There was a name scrawled across the lizard’s neck just as Hector’s name was–something along the lines of ‘Pete’ or maybe ‘Petey.’ Despite being written in Legacy, Aria could make out most of the letters. It also appeared to be someone’s pet at one time. Hector hopped and hissed, running toward the lizard named Petey.

  “Troy, I think he wants us to ride him,” Aria muttered.

  “What?” Lifting the visor of his helmet, the man looked back at the woman as if she was nuts.

  “That lizard….His name is Petey. He looks just like Hector…” she glanced back at the impatient lizards, “…only bigger.”

  “You’re crazy, you know that?” Troy asked.

  Aria lifted her visor as well. Her eyes were glassy; her face was pale. She didn’t look well. Her pallid features, drenched in sweat, were slightly alarming to the man.

  “Fine! You can deal with that giant; I’m hitching a ride with the dinosaur!” Aria quickly turned to the massive lizard. Holding out her hand, Petey watched her with vicious eyes. “Please don’t eat us,” she whimpered.

  The creature bucked, his flaps expanding outward, nearly knocking the woman over. He called out, the vibrating snarl shivering throughout the valley.

ia, be careful!” Troy huffed, watching the nearing colossus.

  Stamping his talons into the dirt, the lizard straightened in posture as he looked sideways at the woman. Hector yapped as well, glancing from Aria to Petey and back again. Aria noticed a small nod from Hector, and she smiled.

  “Who’s a good boy?” Aria asked, running her fingers upon the creature’s scales behind his large flaps.

  Petey honked, stamping his feet again. Troy watched the woman in disbelief as she climbed onto the lizard’s back, gripping the fringe at the base of his neck.

  “Get up here!” she ordered Troy.

  The man quickly walked around Petey, eyeing the lizard's intimidating glare. He didn’t think Petey liked him very much. Aria scratched Petey’s neck once again and grabbed Troy’s hand, helping him up onto the beast’s back.

  “You ready to,” Aria gasped as Petey took off at a full frenzied sprint, “GO?!” She quickly pulled down the visor of her helmet.

  Petey lunged directly in front of the colossus and turned, running away just as the monster’s enormous fingers snatched for them.

  Aria looked over her shoulder back at little Hector, who got left behind. “RUN HECTOR! Get to safety!” she shouted. Relief washed over her as she saw the small scuttling creature dart into a hole beneath a rock, his tail dragging in the dirt behind him. He would be okay.

  Giving a loud honk, Petey continued his sprint, each heavy trudge bouncing Aria and Troy’s bodies up and down on his back. It wasn’t the smoothest of rides, but it was better than nothing. Petey ran for a few hundred meters. The colossal demon fervently growled and roared as it followed after them, its slow, heavy pace chunking away at the rock until it reached full speed like a freight train. Petey was quick, but if he remained in a straight line, the enemy would reach them soon.

  “He’s catching up with us!” Troy shouted as he looked back.

  “Petey! We need to get away! He’s going to catch us soon!” Aria scratched the lizard’s neck.

  Petey kept up his current pace, his golden eyes looking to the side where the crack in the valley split the earth. Digging a little deeper, he turned to the left, pulling away from the crack and back out into the open. He ran a great distance, the colossus having to slow down to make its turn to follow, and then Petey turned around again, running straight for the nearing beast.

  “What are you doing?!” Aria shouted, her grip tightening on his fringe.

  The ground shook with each of Petey’s and the giant’s footsteps. Dirt spilled between each of the lizard’s toes, rocks clattering against the floor. Troy’s arms wound tightly around Aria’s waist. He clenched his teeth, preparing for a violent impact. The giant neared so close, Aria could see her own reflection in its dark eyes. Petey turned abruptly to the side, twirling in a quick circle as the giant’s open arms tried to close around them and continued driving forward. The massive beast howled, stumbling to the side. Digging its thick fingers into the rocky ground, the demon turned and pulled backward in the opposite direction, continuing its pursuit.

  “Don’t do that again!” Aria groaned.

  “Agreed,” Troy sighed.

  Petey kept up his pace, but a rumbling pant was beginning to sound in his chest. He was going to tire out soon. Running in a straight line, he neared the bottomless fracture of the valley.

  “He’s not doing what I think he’s doing…” Troy whimpered.

  “Just hold on tight!” Aria moaned, closing her eyes.

  Four more steps and Petey was leaping up high into the air, his stubby lizard legs reaching out for the other side. The gap itself was at least ten meters wide. Petey landed, giving a grunt as he did so, and lunged forward again, continuing his sprint.

  “Are we alive?” Troy whispered.

  “For now,” Aria replied.

  A moment after they passed, a loud thump sounded from behind as the enemy cleared the jump without effort. Aria admitted she wasn’t shocked, but it didn’t keep her from feeling disappointed.

  A sudden droning rumbled over the pounding of the lizard’s galloping.

  “Finally! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Aren’s voice crackled into Aria’s ear.

  “Damn it, Aren, where have you been?!” she cried out.

  “I’m sorry! The storm’s nearing and getting worse!”

  Aria lifted her head, noticing that the previously clear blue sky was now being eaten away by bubbling black clouds. An eerie orange glow was cast on the horizon as lightning flashed in violent intervals.

  “How could you miss the giant monster and dinosaur with people riding on its back?!” Troy returned.

  “How about you lecture me after I figure out a way to get you out of here?” Aren replied, sounding a bit irritated as well. He was silent a moment before adding, “Shit! Where’s that lizard taking you?”

  “Not sure, why?” Aria replied.

  “Are you all suicidal? He’s taking you straight to the edge of the valley! That’s hundreds of meters deep, and if he jumps…you’re not going to make it!”

  “Petey! What are you doing?!” Aria shouted out loud.

  The lizard barked back at the woman.

  “He’s nuts!” Troy cursed.

  “Hold on; I’m lowering the Hawk. I want you to fast-rope in!” Aren said.

  Petey gave another cry. The sound warbled deep in his chest, rising in volume and pitch as he repeated the howls over and over again. The soldiers grimaced in pain at the shrill calls.

  As Aren lowered the Hawk, dust spiraled up, clouding over Petey and his riders.

  “Providing a bit of cover for you guys,” Aren said. He turned his attention to the colossal monster. It didn’t slow down as it entered the dust cloud. Shifting gears to auto-pilot, Aren unbuckled himself and rushed into the cabin. Snatching up the rope, he looked over the open side of the Hawk. In the eye of the dirt storm, he could see Aria and Troy looking up at him from Petey’s back. “Here it comes!” he shouted, dropping the line down for the two.

  Troy snagged the cable and quickly fastened himself and Aria to it. Giving a whirl with his finger overhead, Troy signaled for the pilot to bring them up. Aren hoisted them without hesitation. Aria gasped as she instinctively reached out for Petey. The lizard continued running, despite losing his riders. Aren assisted the two as they climbed into the cabin. Once unclipped, he returned to his seat without a word, lifting the Hawk to a safe distance above ground.

  “Wait! What about Petey?” Aria shouted, looking over the side of the Hawk. “That dust cloud may have shielded us from that monster, but it also blocked Petey’s view of the valley!”

  Far below, Petey kept up his eager pace. He was only a few hundred meters away from the valley once he cleared the cloud. The enemy was right on his tail, growling and snarling all the way. Petey must’ve sensed him so near and flicked his tail, smacking the beast’s hands away. Over the sound of the copter, another warbling call erupted from the lizard, vibrating over the hills and cliffs. Not even a second later, the landscape was covered with flurrying specs as hundreds of frilled monitors darted from their hiding places beneath rocks and inside cracks of the dried land. Together, they all traveled to the giant demon, leaping, biting, clawing, and swiping at the fiend. The attack worked on slowing the beast down, but Petey was still heading directly for the massive valley and was showing no signs of slowing down.

  With each pull of his talons, Petey sprang forward with more and more might. As the valley neared, he prepared with his quickest speed. From behind, he could hear the demon’s cries and the shrieks of his lizard kind. From above, he heard the faraway shout from the pretty woman that had been on his back. She had a scent so like his mother’s–the scent of candy and orchids, a sweet and comforting smell. Petey smiled, and then he leaped, pushing with his hind legs as hard as he could. He was flying, the wind in his flaps as he crossed over the deep, dark crevice. His golden eyes watched the nearing ledge; only a few more meters and he’d make it.

  Petey honked as h
e felt a hard tug on his tail. The wretched monster had jumped after him and had somehow managed to snag him. The lizard’s talons jabbed into the rocky ledge on the opposite side. He frantically clawed, honking loudly as the rock pulled away from the surface. And then he was falling, falling far below into the deep, dark abyss with the demon and all of his tiny lizard friends who helped to take it down.

  Golden eyes watched the orange sky as it was eaten away by darkness, the silhouette of the flying man-machine swooping over the gap. Petey thought he heard his name, smelled the sweet smell of orchids. He thought of his home once again–a home full of lavender blankets and bowls full of fruit. It was so comfortable and nice, unlike the feeling of the sharp, pointed rocks tearing up his sides as he crashed down into darkness–an unknown depth, an unavoidable death.

  “Petey!” Aria shouted as she lifted her visor. She hung over the side of the aircraft and watched the massive lizard get violently tugged down by the demon into the darkness.

  Troy grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back inside the Hawk 90. The woman covered her face, giving a quiet sob. Her nerves were wrought; she was exhausted beyond reason, her body was broken, and she was in pain. Above all, she was surrounded by death and monstrosity. Petey was a giant lizard; he belonged to someone at one time. He was as old as Dovian. And now he was gone, killed by a disgusting, violent creation. Everything on Ives was slowly being brought to ruin. And all Aria wanted to do was return home.

  A jolt shook the two soldiers causing them to moan. The morphine in their systems was finally wearing off. Aren returned to the cabin, his face holding a look of concern.

  “Should I circle back? Where is Dovian?” he asked.

  Aria and Troy were silent a moment.

  “We need to regroup later. If we go back now, we’ll surely be killed. Dovian can take care of himself,” Aria murmured. “We need reinforcements to take care of this job. Things are much worse than we thought.”

  “Is he going to be alright?” Aren asked.

  Aria’s eyes dropped to the metal floor. She stared at her hands, feeling numb. “I don’t know,” she whispered.